Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) is a condition in which one eye does not see as clearly as the other eye. This condition develops in early childhood and is easily reversible if caught early, but for many it goes undetected until it has become established. In amblyopia, the better seeing eye takes over and actively inhibits the other eye from seeing. The accepted medical treatment is to patch the “good eye” in order to make the “bad eye” stronger. Parents often find that getting the kids to wear the patch is extremely difficult and shortly after the patching treatment is finished, the eye returns to poor vision. We understand amblyopia as the brain’s inability to make sense of both eyes so it “shuts off” one eye. Our treatment approach involves teaching the brain to use both eyes at the same time without penalizing one eye. Through guided activities, the brain learns to use both eyes equally with the reward being not only good eyesight but depth perception as well.
We have successfully treated amblyopia without the need for patching and in persons of all ages. Others will tell you it can’t be treated past the age of 8-10 years. We say it is never too late.